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individual capital中文是什么意思

用"individual capital"造句"individual capital"怎么读"individual capital" in a sentence


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  • There is an important part that is analysis of individual capital
  • Then the author summarizes the obstacles and difficulties of individual capitals transforming into vc
  • My paper will use institution as a tool to deal with how to absorb and regulate individual capital into hi - tech company
  • The value of my paper is on the basis of researching the problem in financial difficulties in hi - tech companies and individual capital saved in bank
  • But in our country , individual capital ca n ' t endure much risk and their abilities to assess the risk are not great . as a result , there is little individual capital enters into vc
  • The author takes jiangsu province as a research field in evidence research part . by researching the individual capital volume , structure , investment desire and investment environment , the author gives six policy suggestions
  • After invested into a hi - tech company , individual capitals need a safe environment . the author mainly researches the trust - agent relationship among individual investor , investment organization , venture capitalist and hi - lech company , and the exit of vc
  • The second chapter is a main part of the thesis . in this part , the author analyzed elaborately and concretely the situation and its reasons of cgs after m & a between multinational capital , state - owned capital and individual capital
  • The subject to the mechanism of the credit investigation is built by governmental investment , which does not limit the participation of the individual capital and provide existing space for the non - public credit investigation mechanism by delimitting " report threshold "
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"individual capital"造句  


Individual capital, the economic view of talent, comprises inalienable or personal traits of persons, tied to their bodies and available only through their own free will, such as skill, creativity, enterprise, courage, capacity for moral example, non-communicable wisdom, invention or empathy, non-transferable personal trust and leadership.
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